The Qualatex® Color Quest 2024 is now closed
Keep your eyes peeled for more contests coming soon!
Review the Qualatex Color Quest Rules & Guidelines
- Only Qualatex balloons can be used.
- Entry must be a TWISTED balloon sculpture.
- Any shape or size of Qualatex balloon may be used in any quantity. However, the sculpture must contain at least 50% Non-round latex balloons (160Q, 260Q, 350Q, or 646Q).
- The sculpture should be created using only balloons. Minimal adhesive (glue dots or rubber cement) may be used. Markers may also be used to add detail.
- The majority of the sculpture must be inflated.
- The Qualatex Color Quest Competition color should be the dominant color of the sculpture.
- Likenesses of licensed characters will NOT be considered due to copyright laws.
- When submitting a design, you are verifying that the design is yours and not someone else’s. Pioneer Balloon Company is not liable for any submitted design that is incorrectly credited.
- There is no limit on entries per person per contest deadline.
- Photos must be 300 dpi and sent at the highest resolution file size possible via the form provided. Figures should be photographed against solid-color (preferably white) backgrounds. If possible, please submit multiple photos of your figure from different angles.
- All entrants agree to have their work and name featured in Qualatex promotional content.
- Entries will be judged on 1) originality and creativity, 2) quality of likeness, 3) balloon manipulation skills, and 4) use of the signature Qualatex color.
- Winners will be selected by Pioneer Balloon Company. All decisions are final.
Click here to see past contest photos
There will be three winners per contest period
- 1st Place winner will receive:
- Their image featured in Qualatex promotional content, with full credit to the designer.
- 25 Bags of Qualatex 260Q (100 count) in select colors
- 2nd Place winner will receive:
- Their image featured in Qualatex promotional content, with full credit to the designer.
- 15 Bags of Qualatex 260Q (100 count) in select colors
- 3rd Place winner will receive:
- Their image featured in Qualatex promotional content, with full credit to the designer.
- 8 Bags of Qualatex 260Q (100 count) in select colors
E-mail us or call 1-800-865-4603 (316-685-2266 outside the USA)